Festival of animated films “Animation boom”

Session: 19-00

Ticket price: 80 UAH.

Territories: France, USA, China, Spain, Great Britain, Pivdenna Korea


voiced by Ukrainian language


Announcement: The program “ANIMATED BOOM” is shockingly cool. See more at Fabrika.space! Without a tuned mood, that way from the audience is inadmissible!

Program Description: 1. The very holiness of France, 2018, dir. Anissa Bediaf, Edvig du Koto, Lucile Fillon, Perrin Llomony, Zakaria Mekides, Lea Moro, Armel Rua, chron. 5 hv. Two nuns will be celebrated on the eve of Mesa, for the price of which they will insist on the door. So far – tidy up the temple. At hodі robіt, friends of Vipadkovo beat the sacred relikviyu. Believe me, I’m sorry, you’ll stink to reckon with the grace, ale all the shkerebert. It’s not necessary to tighten ix, little do not finish up grich …

2. Cohannia Ukraine, dir. Nikita Liskov, chron. 13 hv 57 sec. In Ukraine, on the other hand, I was drunk … 3. Pepper-ice maker St. Francis, 2017, dir. Alisiya Zhurne, May Bulen, Suazik Llofevre, Clément Malagre, Guillaume Esco, United Martinez, chron. 6 hv. 26 sec Roger i Bіllі – two pingvіni, so flicker with endless ice surfaces. At the cry of crippled cakes, stink crates, take chiles with an unqualified power … France

4. Another chance Francia, 2017, dir. Victor Leme, Korenten Philip, Angelin Picot, Martin Porte, chron. 6 hv. 29 sec 1920 rіk, Jacques, injuries vіynoyu, live vіdlyudnikom, looking after the tsintar. One day vin zustrіchaє Henry – a young soldier who stood up from the grave …

5. The vice at the cab of Great Britain, 2017, dir. Matthew Li, chron. 3 hv. 14 sec The rules of safety are important, but if something has gone wrong, you can allow yourself more …

6. Babusin Hero of Great Britain, 2016, dir. Ben Ozeri, chron. 7 hv. 16 sec Lulu graduated from the Academy of Heroes, on the other hand, can demonstrate their own good health, since I always underestimated it. Win to get to epic prices. Kill the legendary and terrible dragon – a worthy wiki for a true hero. Ale, on the great roscharuvannya, daviliva granny want supervodzhuvati any onuk. It’s suitable and good, the blood of the beautiful girls of the high price of a liar is going to get ready for a ride, as if I’ll garnen the nerves of Lulu.

7. Seen from France, France, 2017, dir. Lamiya Akhabar, Robin Kіoffі, Brіs Dyuble, Stanіslas Gruyene, Maxim Gerri, Alexіya Portal, chron. 6 hv. 33 sec Do you know the closets? Did you think about it, did you like to stink that yak ıh fake share? The film “Zrobleno Franzii” explain everything to you.

8. Pure Life of the USA, 2018, dir. Nata Metlukh, Chron. 9 hv. 35 sec Four divacuvatih friends rise in price to the paths. But it’s not so … 9. Police of Great Britain, 2018, dir. Ed Smith, chron. 8 hv. 40 sec Paul Connolі – middle-aged polіtseysky. Climbing up on a robot early wrants, win chuck wiklik races, so you can carry the yogo off. It’s not easy for the capital’s life to live in that car’s state – vipuvannya, just like a vitrimati.

10. Mavpochki China, 2018, dir. Nicolas Lezafre, Charles Blanchard, chron. 4 hv. 32 sec Barvisty mix of pop culture, classic film, online music and musics, “Mavpochki” video producers Nicopicto, Nicolas Lezafre and Charles Blanchard, we’ve got a great number of smartphones, 11. The First Potsіlunok Great Britain, 2019, dir. Hannah Jacobs, chron. 3 hv. The poem of Tim Sables revives in the animation of Hanni Jacobs. In the framework of the TED-Ed project “To say goodbye”, the film is a metaphor for translating words onto screens in curved images, so that you can think through them all beforehand.

12. Rift France, 2018, dir. Tibo Vіlett, Tristan Leon, Simon Martino, Vincent Lio Sk’ї, Jules Galeotti, Jonathan Tibo, Tom Carbonara, Mari Lyabart, Klotіld Mіrai, Nicolas Rakoto, Melanie Bide, Jules Besse, chron. 4 hv 9 sec. Three crazy schurikov joke izhu on a deserted island, uniquely angry hizhak, pratsyuyut over themselves. І all in the framework of the science of science … 13. Kupidon Pivdennya Korea, 2018, dir. Lі Do Xі, chron. 8 hv 20 sec The protagonist, an elite kupidon, a nyak can not know the ideal person for Kate. Once Ale’s miraculous nagoda v_dshukati’s won’t be …

14. Darrell Іspanіya, 2016, dir. Marc Bryones, Alan Carabantes, Chron. 3 hv. 20 sec Obmіn glances at the subway … Skіlki of opportunities to pass us around today? Darrell zrobit a mustache, so you don’t waste a chance. 15. The challenge for non-punctual Niderlandi, 2018, dir. Bastian Shravedel, chron. 6 hv. 28 sec Ezra was taken for an eternal pull. Leave the Rubik’s cube to reckon to screw її respect. It seems like my best. For example, Ezra …

16. The trochs of starvation of France, 2017, dir. Valentin Arle, Liza Dor, Benjamin Duval, Batist Galti, Kivan Llorish, Charlotte Mangen, chron. 5 hv. 50 sec Two monsters shukayut smachnenkogo on ob_d. Do not use everything for your hat to be accepted …

17. Such a so-called healer Niderlandi, 2016, dir. Jorn Loyverіk, chron. 3 hv 27 sec. Tsav mav buti is a great working day of the sumptuous likar. When they’re gaining more than one wrapper, if they have one party, they’ll be able to designate them by the same person …