Kharkiv Open Java Community Meet-Up

We invite you to attend on Thursday, March 5, the first free EPAM Java community meeting in Kharkiv.
Reports have been prepared for you:
🎤Vitaly Ivenko, Lead Software Engineer @EPAM
🎤 Maxim Govorishchev, Chief Software Engineer @EPAM
Event Schedule:
18:30 – 19:00 Coffee and communication
19:00 – 19:45 Report “Scaling search with SolrCloud” by Vitaliy Evenko
19:45 – 20:00 Coffee break and communication
20:00 – 21:00 Report «Quarkus – make microservices” micro “again” by Maxim Govoryshchev
Vitaliy Ivenko will be the first to present the Scaling search with SolrCloud report
Search engines are widely used in many projects and domains, allowing systems to withstand full-text search queries at high load. There is now a strong demand for processing a lot of data, which is why search engines need to be optimized, able to scale and be resilient. Apache Solr includes the ability to create a cluster of Solr servers with these qualities.
Let’s talk about:
• SolrCloud in general. Let’s take a look at how it works and expose the basic “logical” concepts based on “physical” concepts
• Overview of traditional Solr systems
• SolrCloud terminology: shards, leaders, replicas and more
• Zoom using SolrCloud
• Central configuration and coordination of the cluster with ZooKeeper
What is it for me?
You don’t really need it, except you have 1k + queries per minute
Who will be interested?
Software developers who are starting or are already working on search engines and want to get acquainted with one of the scalable, easily scalable search engines
📌On the eighth will begin its report “Quarkus – make microservices” micro “again” Maxim. What will be the presentation:
At the moment, the microservice model of development has become mainstream, but very often the services created under this model are unlikely to be “micro” in size. This is mainly due to the use of “voracious” in terms of computing resources tools such as Spring Boot. Microframes are designed to remedy this situation by applying a number of concepts that dramatically reduce resource consumption and service startup time. During the lecture, we will look at one of the most promising players in the Javascript microframework field – Quarkus. We look at the underlying concepts that make it super fast, the software model, the ability to integrate with the rest of the microservice ecosystem and some other aspects of its operation
💵 To participate in the event, you need to register by following the link: